Mahikari Exposed

Mahikari Under investigation In Europe

Reports by News Papers La Meuse and Le Soir Belgian weekly Le Soir Illustré.

Translated by Fabien Cheslet

The following is a translation from the Newspaper "La Meuse", Oct 22 1998, page 14.
"La Meuse" is a popular french-speaking Belgian newspaper. It was the first to reveal the scandal of misappropriated funds from the European Commission.

by Jean Nicolas

European money for a Japanese sect ?

"Sukyo Mahikari sect has been related by some fellow newspapers (namely the Republican Lorrain, France) to the Aum sect, whose leader, Asahara, had ordered the gas attack of the Tokyo subway in 1995"

A question by a European MP "This is the last straw!"

Has some European money come into the accounts of a Japanese sect ?
An MP is clearly asking the question.

The scandal of frauds around the ECHO and the European Commission is getting more clamorous now. Millions (of Belgian francs) coming from the Union would have been given to the Japanese sect Sukyo Mahikari*, qualified as being extremely dangerous.

The leader for Europe and Africa of this sect, the count Gaston of Ansembourg, would also have benefited from external contracts from the Commission (...). "If funds aimed at helping distressed people are financing sects which are known all over the world for their fanaticism and despise for humanity, then this is the last straw".

This is a part of the text written by the Luxembourg European MP Viviane Reding to the European Commission.
"Last Monday, Mrs Malou Krips, living in Paris, was heard as a witness in the affair of the misappropriated hundred millions coming for the European Commission to the benefit of humanitarian associations. She was also heard by the police in Luxembourg about her relationship with a company, Perrylux.

A hearing that the investigators tried to keep secret but, according to our information, was about three off-shore companies from the Perry group (Software-System, Acadian and Parkington located in Ireland)".
The infamous sect is involved said the MP.

"There is a concrete relationship between the off-shore companies, the sect and the Commission. Mrs Krips, who managed these companies, is a member of the Mahikari sect and is accused by Claude Perry to have transferred several millions (of Belgian francs) from his accounts to those of the Japanese sect".

Provider of "submarines"

The count Gaston d'Ansemburg, quoted by the MP, begins to bring the interest of the investigators in Luxembourg upon his person because he plays a role in this triangular relationship.
Indeed, in parallel with his estate business, the count is managing the Mahikari sect the seat of which is located in his castle situated in the little town of Tuntange in Luxembourg.

The count's castle has been recently restored with European funds. According to documents we have in our possession, the count, via his company, Watinsart, played a role as provider of "submarines" (That's how the European press calls fictive engaged people with often forged invoices) for the Commission, managing eleven people paid by the misappropriated budget of 100 million for the humanitarian aid. These eleven "civil servants", temporary people who had exceeded their quota, were no longer entitled to work for the Commission.

So they were fictive enrolled as living in a building of the Biplan street in Brussels, a building rented by the count. In reality, these eleven persons were working in the premises of the Commission, but were paid by a company of the count, via two off-shore companies who then got the wages re-paid by Perrylux.

Of course, all these companies got their margins. So we can imagine the cost of the clever management of the European Commission to employ personnel by devious means !

Now it is up to prosecutor's office in Luxembourg to authorize the committing magistrate Jeannot Nies to investigate in Ireland and especially in this sect which is commonly present in Luxembourg, and in the European quarter of the Kirchberg, not very far from the Perrylux building.

The prosecutor's office in Luxembourg is well aware that this financial "arrangement" via numerous companies and ramifications has a precise goal they are impatient to discover.They expect to come over some "surprises", some about the "occult" funding of a sect, others which would involve a big party from Southern Europe.

*The main goal of the sect is "to achieve a new civilization by the true light". In 1982, the sect set up in Brussels. In 1987, they bought the castle of Ansembourg, in Luxembourg. They are also active in the region of Verviers.

A translation of three reports from the News Paper
- 'LE SOIR',
October 27 1998

Sects are infiltrating the European apparatus
by Andre Riche et Mar Vandermeir

Funding, public promotion, administrative co-operation : the Union, such as other institutions, gets sometimes deceived by sects.

Where will the affairs of frauds surging at the European Commission lead us?
The investigations of the Justice in Luxemburg about the Echo affair are well on their way and the Commission is getting increasingly worried as there are new revelations about misappropriated aids to Eastern countries of hundreds of millions of Belgian francs.

The flood came from Echo, 'the humanitarian office of the European community' where some fraudulent contracts with the Luxemburg consultant Perrylux have been revealed. The case has been submitted to the prosecutor's office in Luxemburg.

A Marie-Louise Krips worked in Perrylux. She was in charge of the financial management and the creation of Perrylux's branchs and off-shore companies in Ireland. Mrs Krips is also an eminent member of the Japanese sect Sukyo Mahikari in which she was also in charge of financial tasks.

A funded castle

The branchs of Perrylux, namely Harco, was used to provide the Commission in Brussels with external personnel and the off-shore companies were used to convey the wages through Ireland to evade tax. Perry's turnover with the Commission exceeded 200 millions Bef per year, according to his manager, Claude Perry. But higher figures were also mentioned.

Quite disturbing : Harco rented premises to the Wartinsart company, owned by the count of Ansemburg, who is nothing else than the president of the Mahikari sect for Europe. He would have managed a pool of these external workers to the Commission. The affair is even more embarrassing as many current civil servants of the Commission first followed the Perrylux line before being assumed.

Still more surprising : one of the count's castles, in Ansemburg, has become the European centre of the sect. The count sold his castle in 1987. And the restoration of the garden of this castle was directly funded by the Commission in 1993, in the framework of the heritage preservation policy : 60.000 Ecu, 2,4 millions of our francs. The use of theses funds has never been controlled. No company has been asked to do the job, according to the Luxemburg government. Only the members of the sect have restored the place for free, and even sometimes paid it out of their own pocket.

The relationship between the European institutions and the sects is even deeper. As it has been noticed in other international institutions, we can fear a real infiltration.

'This is not illegal'

The unit fighting against fraud of the Commission (Uclaf) is worried about it. "You will find members of sects if you take a closer look at the European servants. But it is not illegal : that's all the problem" Indeed, we took a closer look within the administration of the Parliament and the Commission, and we found members of Sukyo Mahikari and transcendental Meditation (which, under innocuous appearances of search for relaxation, is advocating to set up a kind of global government).

The Rosicrucians are also represented. A poster inviting to a conference of this sect was affixed on the information panels of the European Parliament in Luxemburg, late June and got the official stamp of the administrative information office of the Parliament. The same case was noticed with a poster for the New Acropol sect which shows a clear neonazi ideology. Some representatives of the sects within the institutions are really making a recruitment job.

As far as the Scientology Church is concerned, this sect tried three times to organise conferences in the premises of the European Parliament mistrusting some MP's and without revealing of course their real identity. The organisors have been discovered at the last minute and the meetings were cancelled.

It is surprising that, in front of this situation, the European Parliament, in a 1997 report which was very debated and finally very weakened, states that "for now, nothing imposes nor justifies the setting up of a European policy against sects."

A garden that has nothing of an Eden

"I entered the sect in 1986. I had health problems and my aunt, I didn't know she was a member, introduced me." Christiane Jacob has been morally destroyed by the Sukyo Mahikari sect in which was practiced a medicine by the light, a kind of imaginary flow the members are exchanging as a sign of love, doing what looks like a hitlerian salute.

In Japan, the sect is promoting nazi ideas such as "The Jews deserved the Holocaust", and the young paramilitary guard does not hesitate to parade publicly. The European facade looks more presentable and is flooding the Japanese facade with money. The main point is to gain the highest number of members and urge them to show their faith doing money donations. "I gave 125.000 Frs for the restoration of the castle, in addition to donations from 5.000 to 8.000 frcs I did almost every week at a particular period", tells Christiane.

Her husband was not cured by the 'light' for serious heart problems. A surgery was necessary, but the sect did not agree. He died. Now she has come back to a normal life, ruined, Christiane Jacob bursts out when we tell her that the park received European funds. "It is really a shame! I can assure you that the park was not restored for 2,4 millions. The members cared for the plantations and maintenance!"

Hung up on the gates, an advertisement proudly indicates that the park has been chosen as pilot project by the European Commission in 1993. It is open to the public. Visitors discover terrace gardens adorned with statutes and some basins and fountains, some of which are empty and in a bad state. The lawn, if well maintained, is only meadow grass. In some places, the branches of old fruit trees, if well cut back, are tearing the space with their twisted forms. Between two terraces, a balustrade overhangs a fountain : the painting of the gilts seems to be fresh.

Nice gardens. But it is hard to see the trace of such a funding. All the more that it seems that these gardens were already in their current state before 1993. As far as the castle is concerned, we feel a strong atmosphere of nostalgia and sadness. A wing is restored, as well as, on the other side of the yard, three little houses for the personnel. Some 150 millions would have been swallowed in works, the competent authorities in Luxemburg say there was no public help. The second part of the castle is in a very bad state.

Except for the park, 'Private' small panels are warning the visitor who comes across the yard. This yard where the Japanese high priestess, Mrs Okada, was welcomed with great pomp in 1992; Luxemburg officials were present. "On that day", Christiane remembers, "we could not wear the emblem, nor exchange light. Suddenly, we should pretend to take no notice, as thought we had something to hide.

French parties flooded with Mahikari's money?

Mahikari sect has eight centres (or 'dojos') in France. Among them, the centre of Nice is one of the most important and during our investigations we discovered its 1993 and 1994 accountancy. Amazing!

We can note that the sect received 2,5 millions of French Francs (15 millions of Belgian francs) from the member fees in 1993. But not only is the sect receiving money, it also distributes it, namely to political parties.
So, according to the accountant statement for 1993, the Mahikari section of Nice gave 100.000 FF to the PS (Socialist Party*); also 100.000 FF to the town hall of the VIth 'arrondissement' (kind of district) of Paris, 50.000 FF with the mention 'Nice/Pey' which seems to indicate the current mayor of Nice, Jacque Peyrat (RPR, party of the President, Jacques Chirac*) then in the opposition but who became mayor and member of parliament;
50.000 FF to the UDF (*another right-wing party);
and especially the big amount of 400.000 FF to the Cousteau foundation. Each time, they are considered as 'donations'.

In 1994, the volume of member fee is highly increasing : 9.473.130 FF (almost 57 millions of Belgian francs); the volume of donations is also going up. The PS receives twice the amount of 1993 : 200.000 FF. 'Nice/Pey' 700.000 FF (more than 4 millions of our francs!). The Cousteau foundation for its part still receives 400.000 FF. In 1994, almost 30 millions of French Francs also went to the Luxemburg, but this money is often conveyed to other countries.

Neither the Nice town hall, nor the French PS or Sukyo Mahikari we contacted yesterday, have denied the information yet. However, the Cousteau foundation "is absolutely and firmly denying". It is not to be excluded that the sect tries to deceive using the buoyant ecological label as other sects do.

Belgian weekly "Le Soir Illustré", n°3466, 11/25/1998

The Commission has also funded a fascist Japanese sect.

The inquiry about the activities of Perry Lux has many surprises in store. Indeed, our fellows of Le Soir have discovered an unquestionable link between Perry Lux and a particularly dangerous and prosperous Japanese sect with international offshoots : Sukyo Mahikari.

Previously, we read that the Belgian company Harco, with Claude Perry as chairman, had landed an important contract with ECHO, the humanitarian office of the European Commission. The contract consisted in implementing a control on the payments of projects generated by ECHO. To settle the personnel assumed within the framework of this contract, Harco had rented a building in Evere, in the outskirts of Brussels.

A building located rue du Biplan, so the name 'Biplan' was given to the contract. But this building, Harco rented it to the Watinsart company, which is owned by the Luxembourg count Gaston de Marchant et d'Ansembourg who is none other, than the boss of the Sukyo Mahikari sect for Europe.

Of course, all this could be a mere coincidence, but this is not the case. Indeed, the accountant and managing director of Perry Lux, Marie-Louise Krips, is one of the top financial persons in charge of Sukyo Mahikari for Europe. In 1995, Mrs Krips had a serious argument with Perry who blamed her for mixing his business to Mahikari's.

How ? Simply, as it seems, using three off shore companies of the Perry Group (Parkington Enterprises Ltd, Acadian International Ltd et Software Systems Ltd) to launder the money from the sect. We must say that Marie-Louise Krips was in reality the real 'financial manager' of Perry group whose boss did not get much informed on the financial and accountant problems. That is likely how Mrs Krips was able to mix Sukyo Mahikari interests to those of Perry Lux. She was interviewed about it by the Luxembourg judiciary police, late October.

As far as the count of Ansembourg is concerned, he also worked for the European Commission which awarded him several contracts. In 1993, he also was granted 60,000 ecu (2.4 million Belgian franks) for the restoration of the park in the Ansembourg castle (Luxembourg). A castle sold (40 million Belgian franks) in 1987 to the Japanese sect, which made the castle it's European headquarters. Yet, according to the declaration of a former Belgian member of Sukyo Mahikari, this park has always been maintained using free labour by the members of the sect.

Once again, the Commission granted funds without worrying to what they would be allocated.

Jean-Frédérick Deliège

Two photos : an air view of the Ansembourg castle and one of Keishu Okada (lien) with this text : "In 1993, the high priestess Okada of the Sukyo Mahikari sect participated in the Ansembourg castle to the inaugural ceremony of Mahikari altar for Europe and Africa. Several Luxembourg VIP were present.

"La Meuse", December 7th 1998

EUROPEAN COMMISSION - D-9 : and the scandal is going on !

Even the European antifraud department had a suspicious company paid some personnel.

Nine days before a crucial vote for the survival of the European Commission new "affairs" are putting even more blame on the European government.
So, even UCLAF, the antifraud department of the Commission that the latter is trying to maintain against the advise of the Parliament, benefited from Claude Perry's services.

"Using Claude Perry's services was all correct", we were told by the office of director P. B. Knudsen.
What would they say otherwise? It is quite embarrassing to have transferred an antifraud specialist to Perry to assure him "submarine" wages.

In December 1996, Claude Perry, via Perrylux, obtained a contract signed by
Mr Knudsen to assume a computer specialist, a Cart Tanghe, via his company, for the account of UCLAF. The "submarine" from UCLAF will deal with "computing investigations to identify risky factors in the framework of the frauds, and irregularity discoveries of the "Early warning system" which aims at avoiding possible frauds, etc." A "warning system" on which Perry himself will be listed in early 1998!

And the "submarine" of UCLAF was still paid by Perry in November 1997, while the UCLAF inquirers were still investigating Perrylux case...
This person paid by Perrylux collaborated in setting up this warning system which will become operational in August 1997. An initiative which can appear at least almost unreasonable and even quite reckless.
Indeed, either the assumption system of submarines is really faked and is a true usurpation since the external company is only getting the commission paid an occult employee with a good margin at the expenses of the tax payers without any working counterpart.
Or Claude Perry, via the activity reports of his employee he was supposed to provide to the Commission for invoicing, was able to get exclusive information on the antifraud department which was also investigating against him.

False contracts
Another case is coming up : the famous "Biplan" cell, from the name of the street where ten "submarines" of the Commission were working in number 187.
This quite mysterious cell was supposed to control the activity of a series of non governmental organisations.
"In reality, these ten civil servants were present to set Claude Perry's busyness in order" the manager of the project explains, Baron (sic!) Gaston d'Ansembourg, whose company Watinsart was managing the contract for Perry during a period of six months, before Harco took over.

It is the first time this Luxembourg aristocrat agreed to an interview by a journalist.
"With Watinsart and on the request of Perry, who was unable to intercede personally, this team of ten civil servants worked to complete, according to my information, some sixty contracts of the European Commission which had been attributed to Claud Perry's companies and were uncompleted", the count states.

In other terms : the European Commission used an external company who then charged its job and wages to the Commission via Perry and refunded, on the base of another contract, the completion of a delayed job. Yet, in theory, the Commission was not responsible for this delay. "The period of work" lasted from December 1 1993 to November 30 1994 and cost "only" 33.6 million.

Moreover, these ten "submarines" were paid under the base of false contracts and this was fully known by the persons in charge at the Commission. The system was very simple : a Belgian contract, written under the base of a quite low salary, was given to the tax and social security authorities and a second - occult - contract, much higher than the declared part, was written to set up the balance and the amount was paid by one of Perry's Irish off shore companies, Software System in some cases, Parkington in others. This affair lays between the hands of the prosecutor's offices in Luxembourg and Brussels. In the framework of an endless scandal story involving the Commission at quite a daily rhythm and staining the European image and ideal.

Second article : "MAHIKARI" The count, Europe, the sect and the disappeared documents.

The relationships between the count of Ansembourg and the European Commission were real, but transient. Nothing illegal in the activities of the count for the Commission and/or Claude Perry.

The count was acquainted with Perry, the central character of several affairs of the Commission, via Mrs Malou Krips, an authorised representative for Claude Perry, who, before all, was managing the famous Irish off shore companies and was a member, such as the count, of the Mahikari sect.

The count of Ansembourg does not deny to be a member of the sect, to which he sold one of his two castles, in Tuntange (Luxembourg). The sect, which was - as it was revealed by our newspaper - funded for works in and around this castle by the Commission for some 2,5 million, set up its head office for Europe in this building. "But I am not the boss for Europe of Mahikari. I am only a simple member", the count says.

About the files which, according to the investigators, disappeared at the Commission, as well as in Perry office, the count is in possession of the part in which he is involved and the former manager of the Perry group, Mrs Krips, of another. Any takers ?


Last Modified: 15 June 2010s